Saturday, November 28, 2015


My friend left to go home for lunch and I Henry'd up the remainder of debris, the very worst of the spare room horrors and fears behind me. Ahead, more painting, more carpet removing from under the heater/pile of stuff, tipping the carpet debris and junk, and furniture shifting, new carpet laying, and futon or sofa bed purchasing - THEN the spare room will be fit for guests!

The above shot shows our mornings' work - the black sacks filled with carpet and white with scraped up underlay. Below, the remnants below the heater 'yet to be done' and my broken carpet/linoleum knife!

Since then, I have sanded, wiped, and re-Henry'd the gloss-work/trim and the spare room is now prepared for wall and trim painting. I apparently have another task on hand however - as you can see by the following picture. There is a piece of ivy growing through the window in the upper hallway - therefore a snipping of ivy down below is in order...

November continued...

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