Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I ordered a new broom, tray, and pair of oven gloves last month.

Taking a look at what used to be, I am sure you would not need excess observation skills to say thatthis minor league purchase was worth while. My father's ablutions tray was disgusting, to say the least...

The broom was filthy and the oven gloves were falling to dirty pieces. Yes, definitely a few pleasant new purchases that were as much needed as wanted.
Dad's new tray is much smarter, along with fitting in with the surroundings better. 
Now, I will not make the pots and pans dirty when extracting them from the stove!
The floor now ends up cleaner rather than dirtier after a wet-sweep-wash!

Yes, I did not pay an outstanding ammount but I certainly feel it is money well spent!

There are more items for sale at the 'for sale' photo album: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150410358909141.365973.508649140&type=3&l=df58e6fa33
Check it out if you are looking for second hand books, vinyls, bric a brac, curios, and oddities. (Tea-cards and postcards, coming soon)