Thursday, February 21, 2019


After a 1-day snow spell, February brought warmer temperatures, back to double digits. Whether its the real or a false-start spring, I sprung into action in both the poly tunnel and down the allotment plot, raring to go with the 2019 season.

My first photo depicts the front of my plot, where I planted my fall garlic and shallots - both of which are doing well as you can see. Since then, I have added the spring garlic, red onions, brown onions, and white onions.

Above you can see my February work, having dug out strips and trodden down mud paths. I have also weeded my strawberry beds. Last years' onion, leeks and garlics that were transplanted are on the far left by the weed bin.

Up the far end, from the fruit area and compost bins looking forwards to the car park end, this view shows two new patches that I dug over in the penultimate week of the month, ready to roll with 2019 sowings.

Meanwhile, in the poly tunnel, 2019 has begun! I have sown tomato, chili, lettuce, chickpea, salad leaf, and butternut seed - and even transplanted 8 salad leaf plants into a large circular dish to grow on. If spring stays and winter fails to return before year end, then my parsley, chives, chilies, lemongrass, etc will all be re-startng well too.

Additionally, I took a couple of cuttings of the purple clematis to grow for Liz. The rest of the month is looking good, with double digit temps, little if any rain, and even a few bursts of sunshine forcast. The frogs are 'up and at it' in the pond, and birds are beginning to spring out and search for partners and nesting sites. I have spotted one butterfly and three bees already. It is lovely that the days no longer run from 8am to 4pm, but from 6am to 6pm. This gives me much longer to do things in, and I can fit more activity into each and every day.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


I finally have a third blueberry plant to fill in the fruit space at the plot that was vacated by removed gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes. Liz bought it for me as my first Christmas gift for 2018 after I failed to find one on my Saturday excursion. It has now been dug in and given a vinegar feed - as blueberries enjoy acid soil.

Here you can see the new blueberry area of the fruit patch, with my new Christmas gift from Liz beside the other two bushes. I still have 1 rhubarb, 1 blackcurrant, 2 gooseberry, tons of raspberry and 2.5 beds strawberry - plus apples at home.

I realized that I did not need stepping stones to bird posts and baths that were repositioned, so 'roilled' the slabs to the pond and made a proper slabbed area next to it. Within minutes I had investigative birds - Mr Bob and the latest male blackbird - munching grubs on the slabs.

Here is an early December shot of the plot - showing the last few cabbages, last half dozen kale, some of the fruit area, more-or-less weeded ground, and Brussels sprouts plants.

January 2019 arrived and little can now be done. Frosts and cold weather also arrived! February gave signs of wet n windy with small gains in warmth to begin with, and in the poly tunnel i got busy. I planted chickpea, chili, lettuce, salad leaves and tomato seeds in the newly soiled containers - using the compost I grabbed when Liz drove me to Wyevale and then Haskins in the first week of the month.

Down the plot, the garlic and shallots I planted along with the rhubarb are growing well - but the broad beans did not survive if growing at all. I have more or less weeded over the main growing area - though the strawberry beds and around the shed, beds and bins really need a good weed whenever we next have a decent dry spell.

There is ground ready and waiting after a light dig for the 2019 crops - broad beans and a bag of mixed onion sets will be the first to go in this year. I also have a few packets of outdoor all-year seed I can try out before the main crops go in from March thru July.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


So there you go - I took a video at this stage, with only the light and painting left to be done. First, let me refresh your memory of what it looked like to begin with - EWWWWWWWWWW! ( )

Here we go with the finished room - well, apart from the ceiling getting painted clean white and the light being properly wired - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 
( )

One of the last jobs done on the final/9th day was to paint over the newly re-sealed hole in the hall wall. The other main job of the day was when the electrician came to fix the light and cord. I had not much considered the lighting, assuming I could polish up the old one - was dusty, dirty, and I thought I might as well invest in a new light too, seeing as the bathroom had cost circa 9 grand total.

The painter finished off with the painting second round and the manager took photos. The workmen had all finished by 4pm on the 9th day and we were left with a beautiful luxurious modern clean bathroom! I am well pleased with the result.

2019 arrived, but winter finally came with it - so little has been done around the home other than everyday chores, laundry, cooking, baking... Roll on spring and whatever the next mini project happens to be.

Major project wise, the next of 2 expenses will be having the exterior of the house repointed - this is something I cannot do myself. The final major project is to rebuild the alleyway where my son stores his bike and I store the clothes pegs, step ladder, and a few such items. Minor projects - well... I have a few part-cans of paint and the wine closet/pantry/dresser could all do with an internal paint job, but....