Thursday, February 21, 2019


After a 1-day snow spell, February brought warmer temperatures, back to double digits. Whether its the real or a false-start spring, I sprung into action in both the poly tunnel and down the allotment plot, raring to go with the 2019 season.

My first photo depicts the front of my plot, where I planted my fall garlic and shallots - both of which are doing well as you can see. Since then, I have added the spring garlic, red onions, brown onions, and white onions.

Above you can see my February work, having dug out strips and trodden down mud paths. I have also weeded my strawberry beds. Last years' onion, leeks and garlics that were transplanted are on the far left by the weed bin.

Up the far end, from the fruit area and compost bins looking forwards to the car park end, this view shows two new patches that I dug over in the penultimate week of the month, ready to roll with 2019 sowings.

Meanwhile, in the poly tunnel, 2019 has begun! I have sown tomato, chili, lettuce, chickpea, salad leaf, and butternut seed - and even transplanted 8 salad leaf plants into a large circular dish to grow on. If spring stays and winter fails to return before year end, then my parsley, chives, chilies, lemongrass, etc will all be re-startng well too.

Additionally, I took a couple of cuttings of the purple clematis to grow for Liz. The rest of the month is looking good, with double digit temps, little if any rain, and even a few bursts of sunshine forcast. The frogs are 'up and at it' in the pond, and birds are beginning to spring out and search for partners and nesting sites. I have spotted one butterfly and three bees already. It is lovely that the days no longer run from 8am to 4pm, but from 6am to 6pm. This gives me much longer to do things in, and I can fit more activity into each and every day.

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