Saturday, July 27, 2019


Late June was when I harvested the last of my shallots. They had done well this year - as you can see. I laid them in the poly tunnel to dry before braiding the way most people do onions and garlic. It is my preferred method of storage for shallots - though my late father always pickled his. This doesn't work for me, as I don't eat pickled vegetables in my meals - I use garlic, shallots and onions in my cooking.

This is my salad and herb tub. It used to be Betty's doorside tub and contain a dead tree. Liz rescued it after Betty passed away and the tub came in handy for popping herbs and lettuce/salad leaves/spinach into - as the seeds will fall and regrow into new plants as I 'pick n eat'. I aim to have year round herbs & salad, and this tub will assist me. I may give up the salad and keep it to herbs only though - let the salads die out and fill in with soil and herb seeds... or remove the salads to pots.

This is the table top. On it are my seedlings ready to grow then take to the allotment on the right - a hole where I sweep scraps, mud and water in the middle (this all falls into a sack below to save for re-potting next year) and plants to grow in the poly tunnel on the left - dill, a chili or two, an eggplant, clematis cutting, etc.

In the back yard, I have a pleasant area - near where the purple lungwort and bluebells appear in spring. This is late spring/early summer - and the lychnis is in bloom, along with bindweed for the bees, and a few other plants I grew and/or Liz gave me.

Here is a sample of late June croppings. 

Then we reach July. At the start of the month, I did a minor alteration to the window decor in my coffee lounge - with the purpose of simplification, or de-cluttering.
