Saturday, August 30, 2014


The pond also requires some attention. I have been spending a day each week scooping off the algae, removing leaves and fallen twigs along with gunky smelly stuff in a bucket scoop, and replacing lost water by can. however, this does not appear to be sufficient. I may either have to do a complete turnout or do these actions more often than once a week to ensure the water is no longer smelly.

In the middle of August, I did a major pond maintenance session. I scooped out about two dozen buckets of filthy murky water and wrenched out half the pond-plant and 9/10ths the pond grass. The pond had not had any serious maintenance done for many years and both plants were severely overgrown. 

I ended up somewhat splashed and muddy from my efforts, but spotted a couple of frogs whose heads popped up during my pond-work, to investigate what I was doing to their home. Hopefully they will appreciate my spring cleaning!

A few days later, I scooped the algae off from the surface and hopefully have now ended any major pond maintenance for the year.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014


As you can see from the photograph of the rose arch, there is plenty of foliage - but not all of it is rose bush. I have purposefully allowed the bindweed to grow surrounding the 2 rose plants which are both doing well and making plenty of growth below. I have no objection to pretty, large, white flowers and nor do the bees, despite bindweed being classed as a weed in this country.

The poly tunnel - now just over half way emptied - is still visible behind the overhang of tumbled tree. There is a mix of next door's holly tree and elderberry tree along with blackberry brambles overhanging the yard that I have left. I hope to clear and dispose of the poly tunnel at some point during the remainder of this year and use the ground for a veg plot in 2015. for now, the birds may benefit from extra berries, however.

Here is one collection of stuff from inside the poly tunnel, awaiting a trip to the tip. The dartboard is too warped to donate or sell, the plastic stool-table too broken and fragile to use, the broken shade also has no stand...

Alas, the patio leaves something to be desired at present. I need to sell/donate the plastic chairs and to de-foliate the area as well as take the white former cupboard to the tip and locate a new home for the dustpan and brush I use on the bird table and 2 stone jars.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


It is summer... That is my main excuse for not doing very much around the house and yard recently. I have tinkered with this and that, but not really made any major advancement. The freezer is well-stocked, as are the pantry and wine closet, but...very little has actually been 'done' in the way of gardening, painting, redecorating, or even turning out/selling. 


The latter not being my fault, I may add - I do have an online garage sale and am TRYING to dispose of unwanted items, but as yet have only had 2 people interested in actual purchases. Maybe YOU would like to buy something? Take a look and see...

One of the few projects I have begun over the warm sunny months (ok, this IS England, warm sunny WEEKS might be a better sentence) is wine making. I originally intended to use excess apples and attempt to make 2 wine-making jars worth of cider. The thought of having gooseberry crumble twice+ in one week and how nice gooseberry wine might be led me to use one of the two glass wine making jars I kept from my father's stock in an attempt to create a batch of 'Sande's 2014 gooseberry & ginger wine' though.

I originally had to suffice with a funnel and cotton wool stopper - as I could NOT locate any wine-making suppliers to buy what I called a 'air-stopper thingy you put vodka in' but which I have since learned is supposed to be called 'bung with bubbler airlock'. I am hoping to locate and purchase a pair of such items in 2 days time from writing. For now....

I have since succeeded in purchasing the appropriate equipment and replaced the makeshift funnel... photos in an upcoming post.