Thursday, September 26, 2019

IN & OUT August & September 2019

Welcome to August - and here is a sample of the crops I plucked from the allotment plot and poly tunnel early in the month. Next, it is time to show you around my latest pantry delights.

Liz went overseas on vacation, along with family - and some fruit and veg left overs were donated to me - YUM! The freezer also contained a shelf of Liz's stuff - as she was buying a new chest freezer when she got home from her holiday and wanted to turn her old one off while away - the top and bottom shelves had my stuff in though.

Plenty of yummy stuff in the fridge too. Later in the month, I turned the majority of chickpea pods into chickpeas - this shows 3.5 plants - I have 1.5 plants to go when the pods ripen in September.

Finally for today's post, a mid September cropping picture - showing my penultimate crop of tomatoes. Shortly after this picture, I cleared all but one plant in the plot and all but 3 in the poly tunnel.