Monday, November 23, 2015


Back to the spare room saga. Above you can see how less lumpy real polyfilla is when applied to the large tub polyfilla I bought to save money. It looks less artistic - but more professional. This is more the look I want in my own bedroom than the spare room, however... cos I can be artsy in here!!

I have now placed two family photos on the phone table. This is only temporary; they will be returned to the spare room once it has been redecorated. I have also purchased a 2016 week to a page diary, in preparation for the next busy year of my life. 2015 is already scribbled full of notes, crossing outs, etc as life, plans, and friends change course...

The photos are of me as a trainee nurse taken in 1987 or 1988 and of myself with my young son taken more than 2 decades ago. He is now 24... (Please excuse my mateus rose, I had to put it down in order to pick up the camera to take the photo.)

Now, back to the spare room saga - this is the way the room looked until November - ugly 45 year old patterned carpet still in situ, wallpaper stripped, green paint in various states of flakiness and polyfilla all over the place... I have, as you can see, managed to cover all remaining stuff with 2 sheet/curtains. Regular readers may recall how it took me two years to get rid of the room FULL of accumulated stuff.

My final picture for today shows you the activity I began on the first day of November. I began to use the 'pink' paint my friend had given me as she did not like the color. It was supposedly some shade of pink... but I think it will go nicely with the wine/burgundy colored curtains!

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