Monday, November 9, 2015


Above you can see the left over apple pulp after I cut then blended the apples in my last post, early September, then poured them 2/3 apple to 1/3 water into a demi-john.

A quick shot of the back yard mid-September - showing the honeysuckle berries forming on the side hedge. Here are yet another load of apples taken from the tree... sigh....I was still cropping them in October, and here we are in the second week of November and still a few fall off the tree each day.

Next, here are a few fall pictures from the front yard, showing the berries and flowers still out. You can also see a couple more fruit on the passionfruit plant - which I am hoping will make it to ripeness before the frosts come. Some people say we will have a warm October/November again this year - and I am hoping so for November - October was, for I also have a few beans and strawberries 'almost ready' to crop at my allotment plot!

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