Sunday, January 3, 2016


Above, you can see a view of the yard next door, now that the council have gutted it. The green plastic stuff on top the main green wire fence is hopefully not going to be left behind as it keeps falling into our yard. I do not know if my father or the lady that used to live next door put it there, though. If it was us, I would throw it out myself.

Regular readers will note that next door had even more junk than my late father left behind him at the end of their yard. It took my friend and I several trips to the tip to get rid of all dad's garden garbage and it looks like next door's council workers will be back to take another load shortly!

Here is the 2015 cider stash - all created from the Bramley and eating apple trees my late father left behind in what is now my inherited yard. I 'like' apples - but I do not love them to such an extent that 2 trees do not over produce for one belly. My son helped me munch through the eating apples and 2 friends got a bag of Bramleys each, but I managed to make all this cider along with still having 2 dozen bags of frozen stewed apple in the freezer...

Well, this is my fence these days, now that next doors' hedge has been erased and only the wobbly wonky fence remains. As you can see, plenty of light for the poly tunnel - which will be used as a potting shed and poly tunnel during 2016 and probably beyond - though usage beyond may entail a recovering.

My plans for the hedge include inserting cuttings of yew, privet, and cotoneaster into the gaps between the holly and elder saplings, forsythia and honeysuckle remnants. You can see that I have used a sheet of perspex to act as a partial windguard for the 4 plants my friend gave me earlier this year.

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