Sunday, January 24, 2016


As I left you in my last gardening post, I had done a little tidying up in the poly tunnel and on the patio. Here are a few shots of the poly tunnel as it stood at the end of 2015. Above you can see the right hand side just inside the door - one lump of white board laid as flooring and the corner of the framework. Below is looking a little further inside on the right hand side - to the framework itself.

As you can see, I am using the lower region to position watering cans etc, while the top will be filled with trays of seedlings when spring arrives and it is time to get started planting new veggies. So far, I just popped a few onions in - in case we don't have any more frost and they can get a head start!

Next up you can see the far end of the poly tunnel. where an old dilapidated table stands - I assume it went with the four plastic green garden chairs...either properly or in my parents' eyes. More space for a few seedlings and trays here - although it will mainly be my work bench once the patio greenhouse is erected and a few trays are positioned inside that.

A few miscellaneous items remain scattered about - mostly plant pots. Also in view are my 4 bags of soggy leaves - AKA leaf mould for 2017! Coming back down the left hand side towards the door, you will find the contents of my final photo for today.

A few rescued garlic sprouts from among my strawberry patch that failed to surface last year, but arrived this have been potted, along with the rest of that white board - formerly a bathroom or kitchen cabinet. that will be where my tomato growbag goes once I buy it - and maybe a few more pots!

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