Sunday, November 27, 2016


Friday 18th November came around, and my work duties were absent until evening. I therefore took to it to rip the carpet out. I managed to hack it to strips with the Stanley knife and bagged about half. The above shot shows the hacked strips and below the horrific amount of dust that accumulates UNDERNEATH a foam-backed carpet that is not moved for 35 years.


MY parents appear to have lain the carpet on top of a roll of brown paper when buying it for me in my teens. Below the paper is the original linoleum that I can recall from my childhood. I have yet to bag up the other half of the carpet, vacuum up the dust, and begin to clean the room. This will hopefully be done soon, as it is not as noisy as knife-ripping the carpet was and does not need to be done mornings only.

The phone/modem/power bar and bird/hedgehog food tubs will remain, as will the tall slim white closet - everything else will leave the room whilst I clean/polyfill/paint it. Except of course for items such as the chair - which I need to stand on to polyfill/paint/clean, and painting rags, etc.

As you can see by the above picture, the carpet has now all been bagged, the sack of dusty brown paper has already been removed since taking the picture, as I trotted down my allotment plot and popped it into the compost bin after lunch!

My next task might be to de-cobweb the walls, or just wash the walls and ceiling, or maybe tackle the closet - ugh!

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