Saturday, November 26, 2016


I opened the closet door...ergh. I shut it again - I will deal with that mass of shopping bags, suitcases, boxes, and plastic bags AFTER I rip the carpet out...

Back to removing the curtains. I began by trying to unhook the material from the plastic hooks. This did not work. I tried cutting it off. This seemed slow and difficult and in the process of doing so one plastic hook snapped and another fell off. I decided therefore that unclipping the hooks would be better - and picked the curtains off this way, plastic attached to curtain.

The curtains were to be dumped in a black bag and put out with garbage - they were covered in cobwebs and stained with age, so of no value for me to be trying to sell them. The window was bare...

I kept 2 of the plastic curtain hooks, so that when I buy new curtains, I can additionally pick up a pack of new hooks - not being interested in ripping off the remaining ones from the material. They were dirty anyway, and old, and breaking... I will buy a bag of these when drooling over new curtains.

As mentioned a post or so ago, the first night in the spare room was somewhat uneasy. Of the things changeable, the easiest was to reverse my sleeping direction from facing west to facing east. The room facing west instead of east, a street instead of garden, and being downstairs rather than upstairs, I could do nothing about, but this I could. It sufficed in allowing me to sleep with ease, although I will 'prefer' sleeping back in my own bedroom again when able.

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