Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Here is a shot of my recently renovated fruit quarter. I have moved some of the rhubarb crown/leaves to one corner and transferred blackcurrant/gooseberry/raspberry. I have just 2 gooseberry bushes to shift and a few raspberry canes to move, and then can dig out any remaining plants to offer fellow plotsters and dig the former fruit quadrant over ready for vegetable crops next year.

I will keep the rhubarb as is for one year too though, so I do not need to eat from the new plant for the first year. You can also probably see that I have moved the Myplex across. Next, a shot of the old fruit area at the back of the plot - a bit of a mess.

Front weed-bin side quarter in the final plot photo taken mid-October. A clump of oops-weeds, then my leeks with 2 carrots and 2 cabbages, and my giant artichokes. These are now offering pretty yellow flowers and beginning to fade/fall a little. Soon, it will be time to dig them all out and pop back just 1-2 roots, as this amount is far too many for just myself. I will be able to pass on some of the roots to fellow plotsters later this year.

The area around the artichokes also needs a good weed - it housed my onions. most were cropped, a few didn't grow and have been replanted to grow overwinter/next season.

October passed its midst and I popped down to re-dig spare soil areas, water, crop, transfer the gooseberry bushes, and check the progress on crops. The mooli are almost ready and I have sampled the first for 2016. The leeks will mostly be ready to start harvesting soon although looking shabby due to lack of rain and with a few smaller ones needing to catch up. The rocket, autumn raspberries and nasturtiums are in their last week or two of use. The artichokes will be harvested in a few weeks, as will my 3 cabbages and single Brussels sprouts plant.

Back home and the rose arch is now leaning at even more of an angle. It will not be long before I put some time and effort into the back yard once more and rip it out.

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