Tuesday, October 4, 2011

THE BATHROOM SAGA – new flooring 1

In September, I managed to persuade my father to let me purchase new linoleum sheeting for the bathroom floor. There are small holes on the current lino, which was rapidly wearing out. I had wanted to buy some for a while, but had no excuse, seeing as my father who owns the property never uses the upstairs rooms now. Here is a photo of how the bathroom used to look, before the new shower and lino...(before me!)

I explained my idea of ripping out the bathroom closet under the sink and laying new linoleum across the entire floor – and he agreed it would be OK. I then searched online for lino. This is where the problems began. Firstly, at under £8 PSM, you would think 2x3m would be £8x6 -aka £50 max – wrong! Firstly, they add tax – and THEN charge £45 for delivery! I searched several sites, but this was the best product, at a reasonable price – except for that damn delivery charge!

The next problem came when I went to empty the bathroom closet....


  1. So it cost you twice as much as expected? :(

    I guess it's probably a good idea to overestimate the cost in the future. This probably won't be the last time you encounter hidden expenses. What a pain....

  2. Well I didn't actually know how much lino cost til I got online and checked a few sites out - but I definitely was not expecting the shipping cost to be more than the product!
