Thursday, October 13, 2011

THE BATHROOM SAGA – new flooring 3

I called the electrician in September when the power outted for a third time – while I was NOT using the vacuum or socket. He assured me that it was OK to leave the wires uncovered, that they were only for earthing/grounding and it wouldn't matter. I could therefore proceed.

The next two things to happen were the ripping out of the bathroom closet and the arrival of the enormous roll of lino. To rip out the closet, I selected what I thought to be appropriate tools from the shed and oiled and dried them overnight. In the morning, I began!

Firstly, I wrenched off the door – that was easy enough as it was only hanging on by three tiny rusty hinges. I removed the door and began on the side to the left. This was also pretty easy and came off in a single piece with minor leverage. I then took a lunch break – not because I am a lazy old sod but because Dad needed to eat his lunch even if I could wait for my own.

Later on, I returned and managed to remove the rest of the white wooden construction that must have been there for a few decades. In fact, I cannot recall as far back as my childhood, but I believe it was there before I left for Australia in 1988...


  1. It's good that the wires aren't a problem, but did they fix the issue with the power going out?

  2. Ah yes - the electrician found a burnt wire in one socket and loose wires in a second socket - apparently, whoever rewired the place a few years ago did a very poor job!
