Saturday, April 9, 2016


After 70mph gales, my friend drove me down the allotment plot with me fearing what might be found on arrival. Not quite as bad as feared, a couple of boards and some felt were off the moved-one-inch shed but the cold frame and poly were....gone! We located them 2 plots along and carried them back and fixed it up as best we could - but I have decided to stop using it and dump/donate the frame, now that I have a usable poly tunnel at home. For the time being, I have placed it in the spare raised bed - until such time as the melons/butternut are planted.

On the webpage at Facebook, it was advertised that there were some free bricks - I collected a dozen or so of these. My initial plan was to use them on the black stuff my friend had said that she would give me when she found it that would go around my fruit bushes to keep the weeds down - but after leaving the bricks around the shed whilst waiting, I realized that they might additionally hold the shed in place were further gusty gales to arrive.

This shot shows my planted artichoke/onion patch, with my former cold frame inhabitants behind. The broad beans are flowering, garlic growing, and only the lemongrass is doing poorly - but that was an experiment anyways. Behind, you can spot my fruit bushes - JUST begining to shoot out for spring, with my now-planted potato patches to the right.

Jumping forward a week - you can now see that I have begun to dig over the next bed ready to sow. next to the shed, is a long stretch with 2 blackcurrent bushes, excess onion sets, and a couple rows seeds that have yet to surface - carrot/mooli - and much space. I dug over said space - ready...

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