Sunday, December 22, 2013


The final tasks for fall were firstly to get rid of some of the stuff Dad had accumulated and secondly to tidy up the garden. Our friend from round the back gave me a lift to the tip with some junk from the poly tunnel.

As you can see, the polytunnel is full of junk. This mostly came from the shed when it was replaced a couple of years ago - which I mentioned in my blog at the time. Dad simply never got around to sorting out his garbage. Most of it was only of value to himself anyways, so when starting to turn it out, very little did not get piled to go to the tip.

As you can see, most of my job was covered in weeds... The next photo shows the tip trip pile getting slightly bigger with a green 'trolley thing'. 
This green trolley was manufactured by my maternal grandfather. He was a carpenter by trade, and when in need of something, generally made or adapted something to do the job himself. He used it for several years to get his groceries home without having to carry them in bags. Most of the elderly population these days will buy a trolley to do this, but my grandpa made his own. However, I do my groceries online or small trips by hand, and it was warped and not really useful to myself, so... to the tip it had to go.

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