Thursday, August 11, 2016


This shot which was taken mid-July shows my now-strawed strawberry bed - hopefully a slug deterrent, and definitely a preventative against the wet weather spoiling the crops latter growth. You can also see that one nasturtium is all flowers while the majority of the rest are all leaves. My artichokes are growing tall behind them, while to the right of the shot you can see my main crop potato patch and raspberries, second strawberry bed and 2 more blackcurrant bushes.

This shot shows my 2016 leek patch - which additionally hosts 3 tomato plants I had no room for elsewhere, 2 jalapeno chili plants, one onion grown from seed, and a row of autumn king carrot... Behind this bed is the potato/raspberry area.

At the time of writing the post - the penultimate week of July - the raspberries are finally almost over for the year and it will soon be time to cut out this years fruited canes. The potatoes are all dying off a tad - but I am unsure if they are just 'ready' before I am, or if they are so dry they are genuinely dying. A few gooseberries and blackcurrants remain to be cropped every few days with the odd strawberry popping out a new fruit to surprise and delight me.

The main crops for this next week or two will be potato and nasturtium. My tomatoes are full of flowers - both at the plot and at the poly tunnel and yard at home. In fact the only tomato plants to be all leaf and no flower are the ones in the patio greenhouse. I also have little green lumps forming both at the plot and at home, otherwise. Time to get some serious watering done in this dry spell.

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