Saturday, July 30, 2016


This shows the patch in front of the smaller of the 2 apple trees in the back yard. I have taken cuttings from a red and a white olde fashioned style rose and also a honeysuckle strand. Hopefully these will grow and cover the back fence with scented aromas.

Next up, this mystery popped up among my tomatoes! I have only had yellow and mauvy purple poppies til this year - but this one is red! I did plant red poppy seeds - but not this year. It was 1-2 years ago they were planted but none came up - til now.

This next shot is of my favorite plant. It is one of five plants I got from my friend Liz's gardens and its flowers are my very favorite shade of pinky-purple. Something knocked it over recently - but it is still growing, even if smashed! You can also see the lemon balm Liz gave me in the above shot.

The view from the kitchen windowsill has been exciting for me the past few days. The first two shots show the overgrowth, despite my digging out ALL the bind weed. Next up - a new colored poppy.

Yes, as well as the yellows in the front yard and mauvey purple ones in the back, I now have a red poppy!  Not only that, but 2 days later, I spotted this - a dark pink/purple poppy! I am quite excited by the new colors coming - but unsure if my neighbor scattered some seed the birds spread beyond her yard, the red poppies came up 1-2 years late and had a rogue plant, or some of the mauvey purple ones turned a different color.

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