Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Continuing with the other half of the coffee lounge, here you can view the window - looking out over patio greenhouse to the pond, bird feeder, and poly tunnel beyond. One of the next steps will be to polyfill and paint the bright pink brickery out of the tools alcove and place a curtain across so the tools are kept safe and dry - but unseen! I have already purchased a shower curtain to do this with. I may hang a flower such as a geranium in the hook near the window - I have one in the kitchen at the moment, as I don't have garlic hanging there for a few months.

Finally, back to where we began in my last blog - the former door between kitchen and coffee lounge, now open plan! Once again, the mirrored tools section will have a silvery shower curtain hiding it.

Liz and I turned out Betty's linen closet and I came home with a stock of light globes of varying type. 5 of the old style from a decade or two ago, and a lot of the energy saver bulbs that came out afterwards before fading to the new options 2-3 years ago. These will be useful and keep me going for a long time.

I did little this and thats in the coffee lounge, now more than half way done. Here is a shot of the doorway with the undercoat. Since this I have top coated the doorway and polyfilled the closet.

Here is the first attack of paint to said closet. I used the last of the blueish paint I have in my bedroom. I then undercoated the side panels and lower panel in magnolia.

I was painting most days again, due to horrible weather and feeling sulky. The topcoat was soon applied. This left me with just one area left to tackle - the yuckiest corner and grottiest wall - the tools alcove.

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