Monday, August 21, 2017


This shot from the plot shows my July status of the other strawberry bed, cauliflower area, some more onions, and rather a few too many weeds - which alas have had to remain for several weeks due to having so much soft fruit to pick!

Here is my 2017 leeks bed - doing well - with more onions and some runner beans beyond. This shot of my salad bed shows the odd left behind radish, 3 patio tomato plants and a squash of green/acorn variety, along with a few lettuces.

This picture portrays the beans and much of what I have already shown. It also depicts how close to the car park I am - and our horse muck area. I am thankfully situated not too far from this, as I only use a metal bucket which is wearing out and no longer has a handle....

My rhubarb and smaller compost bin star in this shot, with gooseberries, blackcurrants and raspberries behind. My rhubarb is a jolly good plant - and I am hoping to pop a few stalks into our local village flower and produce show this year - I was toying with doing so last year, but chickened zero. The next plant I took from this is doing fairly well - though its full of stalks, they are much smaller than this established plant, so I will leave it til next year to eat them, and pick this one to the bone in August - when there is room in the freezer to store it...

This shot from the plot shows the smaller rhubarb plant, with new gooseberry and transferred blackcurrant bushes, raspberries, leading to chilies and blueberries - and the shed. My nasturtiums also appear - yet again.

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