Thursday, August 20, 2015


Here is the latest shot of the drinks closet, which had a tidy up at the close of June. Also at the end of the month I completed the painting of the toilet door trim as demonstrated in the second picture above. It was not long before the door itself got my attention, and by the close of the first weekend in July, the upstair hallway painting was completed.

While I still have the view, I will share a shot of the 'overgrown' back yard. neighbors have accused me of having rats and household garbage in situ as well as being overgrown, and although I don't, I am supposed to clear my vegetation. THIS shot shows the habitat I love - as do more than 4 species of butterfly, 6 of bee, multiple of bird - , and various other creatures including hedgehogs and frogs.

Alas, this may not be the view I have while cooking for much longer due to heartless ignorant neighbors and bureaucratic council ponces.

Continuing into July/August, I placed out a brand new, clean duster and the polish bottle for my son... get these back. I think he actually used it! I was hopefull that the lemony scent might make him realize that his room stunk - as whiffs issued out into the hallway everytime he opened his door, and indeed it appeared to be that way for a few days as he began to open his windows. However, it appears it is the lemon scent he dislikes, as he soon stopped and has trapped the 'yukky' smell back in his room again, since.

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