Saturday, April 20, 2019


Here are the frogs! My first April DIY task was replacing the hinge on the bike alley door. this was done with ease once i had found a hinge the right size and cost.

In the back yard and wild world it is the blue season - bluebells and forget me nots, grape hyacinths and purple-pink spotty leaved plants are in abundance.
Time to take a p[eek at mid-April in the poly tunnel. You can see I have tomato, salad leaves, chives and more growing well.

Down the other side I have Brussels sprouts and cabbage and cauliflower seedlings amongst other items. i also have several buckets of spuds on the go - along with a stray white bluebell and one bucket of ginger.

There is a shot of the garden path from the poly tunnel towards the house - the opposite way from the shot before. I did attempt to take a photo of a pair of courting butterflies in the path shots - but fail to have captured their flitterings, it seems. The closest was in the above picture - but... not very clear.

There are plenty of orange tips small whites and the occasional brimstone fluttering in the yard right now. Down the plot, I have been busy planting out tomato, cabbage, and Brussels sprout seedlings - and watering. Easter's long weekend gave us 4 sunny warm days in the 20's - reaching 40 in the poly tunnel even with the door open - so watering was essential for new seedlings - and garlic!

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