Saturday, April 22, 2017


Here is a shot taken in early April showing how I have replanted some of the fuchsias from the front yard behind the bird bath. The next photo is a blurry failure of a shot, but shows the position of the ornate tulips and primrose - red splodges and yellow/green splodge.

Above is a reminder of what I have so far done on the patio. Below was my view from the kitchen window until this morning, when I removed the laurel seedling to the back fence area along with some seedums. The patch of 'weeds' is purposeful - it is going to remain wild flowers/weeds mixed - along with bird seeds that grow - a sort of bee-butterfly-bird meadow. I will cut back the ivy, brambles, and bindweed from that area, but all else can grow onward!

Alas, indoors is also outdoors - lol. My kitchen windowsill depicted above is home to an over wintered chocolate habanero, a newly emerged eggplant seedling, chili seeds, and was also home to a sweet potato (attempt #3 to make slips) til I moved that to the poly tunnel this morning. It got to 32 degrees in there yesterday, so I am thinking they may have more luck there than on the sill where they just go mouldy.

These were my two over wintered hot lemon chili plants, now safely planted at the allotment plot, as of yesterday!

My final shot for today is of a task I will get around to shortly. I had hoped to do it over Easter, but twice I went out and twice I had sinus issues, so it has yet to be done. This is what I encounter when going into the back yard - a great big tower of variegated ivy. I don't want to walk into ivy, but the yard - so it is going to go - soon!

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