Friday, September 16, 2016


Inside the poly tunnel as you can see, the tomatoes have taken over. I have all sorts of things keeping them upright - one is held in position by a pitchfork, another by a twisted peice of metal wire hanging on a thread, another leans against the wall poked behind the bar... Plenty of toms and flowers going though!

As you can see, I do have a few other items- basil and chives for example. Also, a couple sacks of leaves turning into leaf mould and a compost bag and watering can or two....

In the yard itself - I did have a clear border with a few herbs and tomatoes and corn...but...alas the bindweed took over! The corn and toms are still doing ok though!

September has now arrived and the above shot shows the produce collected at the close of last month from yard and poly tunnel along with the first Sunday of this month's garden haul. Below you can see one of the plants my friend Liz gave me is doing well - despite the bindweed.

Alas said bindweed has remained in situ and grown steadily over the four weeks that I was unable to do much more than drag a lame leg to the tunnel to water and crop a few toms...

YES! Finally, the neighbor has erected a new fence - a dog proof fence - meaning I am safe to roam my own yard at all hours once more without fear of another biting session.

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