Sunday, September 11, 2016


Alas, my plans to move furniture downstairs from my bedroom into the newly carpetted spare room, strip the carpet from my room, buy paint and get to work redecorating my bedroom have had to be postponed due to being munched in the leg and arm by a large dog. Let us jump to the other side of that incident, to September, and give you an update before falling back to what happened in the interim.

As September allows me to walk on two legs instead of 1.5, ideas and plans for the house upgrade begin to flood back to my mind and heart. I may not yet quite have the oomph needed to carry larger pieces of furniture about, nor to rip out carpet, nor stand around painting for a few hours if able to carry the paint home, BUT...

I am still hoping to move the computer downstairs and only use the laptop upstairs shortly. From thence onward it depends on my leg recuperating and Liz's available time as to when the larger items of furniture can be shifted downstairs, paint purchased, and carpets ripped out for the tip.

Colors are bouncing about. Originally I planned to go with silvery gloss. It is currently pallid gray, so just a shiny version of that, I thought. Now I have a few other ideas floating around and will await my next trip to B&Q and peruse their paints...possibly, if I can find a decent shade of Dulux that comes in both matt and gloss, I might drop the notion of shiny walls and ceiling - we shall see!

Here is a reminder of how it was when that fateful day arrived - newly carpetted and 'ready'...but this is as far as I got - I was unable to move more than 2-3 small pieces of furniture before my leg ballooned....

And there is where we leave it until the next step. This 'unwanted inheritance' recliner chair having made itself useful after all, recently.

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