Thursday, April 21, 2016


Here you can see that I have now - the first weekend in April - planted all three 2.5 kilo bags potatoes. This first full season, I am growing Casablanca earlies, King Edward (and 3 Red Desiree) main, and Charlotte salad. My strawberry bed to the side is not doing so well. Some of the plants when moved to this new raised bed took well - while the others shrivelled and died. Never mind, I still have one old bed as well...

Here you can see I grabbed another dozen or so of the free bricks and used some of my ripped off roofing felt to 'secure' the shed. I am hoping this prevents wind-movement, or at least keeps it on slab rather than on path next time we have severe gales! It seems to have worked with the iron posts/string and a few bricks, so the reinforcements might just be what is needed.

You can also see that I have dug out the grass/weeds along one side of the shed, as I do my spring dig-over to tidy up. I am trying to get less path and more growing area on the plot site. After planting 7.5 kilo spuds and a lot of onion sets along with the fruit plants, I do not have much room left - until my garlic/broad beans are ready, cropped, and gone that is. Talking of which - here you can see the first bunch fully flowering...

You can also see my rhubarb putting on some serious growth. It looks like there will be rhubarb crumble on the dinner menu by the close of April this year, with broad beans appearing on the dinner plate not long after!

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