Saturday, April 23, 2016


I next began to do likewise in the run between the kitchen window and bird bath - digging out the ivy and bindweed and replanting plants as I went. I also planted out the sweet peas.

In the polytunnel, things were beginning to shoot out and get repotted. Above you can see my leek seedlings, a marigold, brussels sprout...

...and below, my rather ahead of itself for April potato plants. Most potatoes are just surfacing...but these monsters are raring to go and already gone.

Above you can see that quite a few cabbage seedlings have sprouted and that I repotted a handful. As to the 2 pea plants below, I took them down to the allotment plot on the second weekend in April and they are now firmly planted and housed within cut off plastic water bottles to save them from slugs for a week or two.

Behind the peas you can see a few tomato seedlings popping up still - I also repotted a half dozen or so of these this second weekend of April. Finally for today, take a look in the patio greenhouse - the cabbage up top is now also taken to the plot - along with the single brussels sprout seedling in a previous photo - the rest remains!

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