began my task the day before, cutting 4 pieces of card from an old
computer box, thinking that this could be inserted behind the thin
wooden board my late father had put in situ once the soot was gone. I
shredded the boxes that I found inside it, as they are plain and will
make good compost.
planned to reseal the board over the card and fix it with contact
then cover it with burgundy. This task was set aside for the middle
weekend in April. meanwhile, I planted a chili seedling in a ginger
wine bottle that I filled with mud and card and water and coffee
grounds and stuck on my bedroom windowsill.
to my mid April task - here is where I began, with this rather yukky
looking fireplace issuing an aroma of soot. My first task was of
course to wipe it over and clean it up a little. Doing so I located 2
or 3 loose tiles, sigh - time to buy more glue!
then set to work measuring and cutting the contact, ready to apply
once the soot had been removed and card inserted behind the board - or
so I estimated...