time to time I like to do a spot of spring cleaning - with more
emphasis on spring than clean!! One of my favorite 'chores' is that
of turning out the pantry. I really enjoy re-sorting all the items
into logical order and seeing them neatly in place....
It is
not MY pantry. It is father's. However, I am the only person that
uses the pantry - seeing as I do all the shopping/cooking. My son
keeps his supplies in his room and my dad is not able to locate
ingredients, stand up while things are mixed AND
boiled/baked/stirred/fried/etc, AND add finishing garnishes... though
I am sure if I put the teabags and milk out he could manage the
kettle and spoon to make himself a cuppa.
We start with a picture
of how it was - then of in between - before how it actually ended up.
I also included a photo of the fridge-freezer, in case anyone is
worried about the lack of fresh produce in our household!
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