Monday, November 14, 2011


Having plenty of linoleum over after laying the new bathroom floor, I began to use it in pieces. First to benefit was the bathroom windowsill, closely followed by my father's bedside cabinet. Next up is to be the toilet floor - a nightmare!
Starting with a view of the remaining lino and continuing onto the windowsill before, during, and after linoleum being glued down....

The bathroom looks much more classy with a floor and windowsill to match - but there is much to be done, including fixing chipped wall plaster, a much needed coat of paint, and a few more little touches, before the room is pleasant.

The last two photos show me laying a piece of lino as a table mat to avoid the wood being spoiled by spilled cuppas on Dad's bedside cabinet.

I decided to postpone the toilet floor until after my son returned to Australia, as having us both out of the toilet for 3-4 hours is somewhat difficult considering the amount of ginger beer and cola - not to mention cider once fortnightly - that he consumes. Ahead, lies the task of removing dust-ridden carpet patches and old newspaper, cleaning and drying the wooden floorboards, laying the linoleum halfway and then cutting around the toilet itself. (I shudder, yes THAT can wait until late November or beyond...)

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