Tuesday, September 1, 2020

IN & OUT July 2020 continued

Down the front of the plot I have popped a zucchini, a squash, a carrot, some mooli, brassicae, and filled the spaces with strawberries taken from the first of my three raised beds. Beyond one of my twin strawberry planters you can see what is left of the raised bed after I took the fruit out and Liz dismantled the side panels and dug out the weeds. My old weed bin and slug hotel are also in the shot.

Turning the corner, you can see my stash of 7 pallettes awaiting transferral from pallette to strawberry planter or weed bin. The idea is to make 6 new strawberry planters to line up with the two I was given last year in two rows with a small path between. They will go where the raised beds were/are and cover the plot space where the ground is gravel and weed.

Going clockwise around the plot from the last photo, the raised bed yet to be emptied and pulled to pieces that contains strawberries and nasturtiums is clearly visible. Beyond are the beds with cabbage, mooli, pea, garlic, tomato, lentil, corn, leek, pea, bean and brassicae. The larger compost bin is central at the moment and Liz has piled some covered weeds next to it as the weed bin was overflowing.

Turning the corner, we reach the end of the plot where the smaller compost bin resides. Around it is a potato patch, beyond which are more brassicae and tomatoes. Behind/inside, are stretches of raspberry, and further along my gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes reside.

Turning the next corner, in which the massive rhubarb is regrowing ready for a final crop before the end of its long season, we find the 4 blueberry bushes, a row of leeks, and a row of carrots. These are backed by more raspberry canes - of which I have far too many.

Going along the final stretch, we pass the onion bed, empty soil where a half dozen potatoes were recently excavated, and a few strays - onion, garlic, tomato, brassicae. My final shot for today cuts across the plot from part way down this stretch. It shows the third raised bed which I intend to keep a little longer as it is still in tact, if weedy, and a patch of assorted vegetation. It includes strawberry, eggplant, and brassicae.



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