of my tastiest crops are unusual for me. Carrots only grow some
years, and although this year I have had success at the plot as well
- these are samples of baby carrots plucked from a former mop bucket
now plant pot in the poly tunnel. They are sweet, juicy, crisp and
JUST as I enjoy them raw in salad. The Peas are some of the first
picked from the allotment.
cherries and lettuce are from other plotsters, but the blackcurrants,
blueberries, peas, raspberries and gooseberries are from my plot. As
follows - the majority of the day's haul is grown by myself -
although the singular broad bean and the sweet pea seed pods are from
others. Peas, blueberries, gooseberries, blackcurrant and
raspberries still made the bulk of my pickings.
half-platter of salad is mostly grown by myself - although I have to
admit my cucumbers are not yet grown and that came from the
lady I work for twice weekly as a cleaner.
mass of spuds - minus the two carrots - all came from ONE pot and ONE
potato - grown in my poly tunnel! Talking of which - here are a
couple of shots of the poly tunnel. The first shows the tomato pots
and the tub of carrots.
we have the table at the back - with a couple of straggly lettuce, an
egg plant, lemongrass, more carrots, the giant herb tub and some
shallots drying out. To finish with today - and indeed the month of
July - here is another batch of crops.
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