Friday, December 14, 2018


In fact, this video shows the old bathroom better. The workmen came on the final Thursday of November and by the close of day the room looked terrible - which is not surprising as a lot of work is going to be done, but first they had to get rid of all the old yukky stuff...

The second day arrived. This time, the electrician arrived and stayed for a bit then left - the workman from the previous day came for half a day then vanished, another one came for most of the day - and there might have been a fourth come and go at some point.... The main tasks completed were lowering the ceiling and plastering it over.

This is the room at the close of the second day's work.

The weekend then arrived along with December, and during the two day break the room stunk, assumedly from the drying plaster.

One of the finds the workmen made was this ancient cigarette package - empty and mouse-munched - that assumedly the original builders had dropped inside the house when building it back in 1953!!!!

So, the room looked worse before it looked better.....

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