Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Late July, I brought home a bagfull of food - not from the supermarket, but the allotment plot! It was predominantly chickpeas - the feathery podded plant most highly visible in the above picture - but along with apples from the garden, tomatoes from the poly tunnel, there was a selection of edible to wash and sort.

Above are the crops from the next day, which brings us to the close of July 2018.

I have begun to spring clean the entire house. I figured as I had so many projects on at once I might feel more at ease in my mind if I at least got up straight in the basic cleaning, allowing me to progress gradually on: repainting the front door, repainting and reflooring the toilet, having Windsor re-do our bathroom, and furnishing the coffee lounge.

My original plan was to tackle one room a day over the nine days vacation where my evenings are empty. Liz thought it would be better to leave my holiday time free to go out on, and get the chores done on ordinary days, though. I could see her point, though I didn't have any excursion plans and she was likely to be too busy during school holidays to spend too much time with me - but I began on the coffee lounge prior to the vacation.

I started at 9:06am on August the first, finishing just over an hour later. I removed at least 30 spiders, dusted the walls, washed the windows inside and out, vacced the carpet and corners and grotty areas, wiped the heater, plugs, etc, emptied cleaned and replaced the alcove contents, mopped the lino and painted flooring - and gave myself a 15 minutes coffee break, upon which I also washed the spuds I had dug up from the allotment that morning ready for lunch.

I was not very enthusiastic, as evidenced by the photo, but pushed myself to keep going and managed to finish the coffee lounge and start the kitchen.

The second day of the month - I removed 7 spiders who had crept back inside again, sigh. I was not very enthusiastic to start again, but forced myself to do a bit here and there...

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