Saturday, December 16, 2017


Here is a shot of the left behind hinge that the door was yanked from - sigh. Some work left to be done! However, next up was external matters and the poly tunnel took my attention away from the coffee lounge for a while. When I balanced the planks on top a white foot stool and sawed at them, it was quite easy to cut the wood Liz had given me correctly ready for the poly tunnel - but it is currently stored indoors, as Liz was busy one week, I was busy the next, and...

However, that area is now to be used for tools, both garden and cleaning, and so forth - so the planks of sawn wood are not too much of a problem until I come to wash and paint and carpet the inset. Which might not get done until after the poly tunnel - as the poly and poly tape are also in the coffee lounge...

In the kitchen, on the sill, is a dish of soil with various items stuck in - some growing and some not. You can see a living and a dead chili cutting, some dead flowers, a living geranium, a dead rose, and some living flowers that came from John's funeral card seeds. There are also a plastic tool and a feather.

My next task was to sort out the untidy shoe rack areas. Above, you can see my shoe rack by the front door - erm... AKA an empty beer carton. Below is the 'real' rack in the coffee lounge.

Covered in mud, half the plastic worn off and the iron showing through all rusted. I did not want to bother attempting to clean it up - so went out to buy a replacement, with the idea of having it in the front of the house and away from my coffee lounge - which is still in the process of being cleaned up ready to redecorate and furnish.

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