Saturday, July 1, 2017


Well, it is still a crop - but not one of my usual ones. This year was the first time I have grown cauliflowers - which are apparently difficult to grow. I have been successful, with only 2 problems occurring. The first being that ONE head got eaten into by some sort of bug and the other than some of my heads grew too fast, and grew beyond a nice shape before I harvested them. As you can see, it is sort of distorted - should have been picked 1-2 days before.

This was called a 'bag of weeds' by my best friend when she first saw it - and I suppose that might be what it looks like. However as you can see in my next shot - it is a bag of crops! Garlic, spinach, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries and nasturtiums.

The above shot shows what became of the garlic. I lined it up to dry on the kitchen floor on top of tea towels. This was a successful method of garlic drying and as soon as the stems go brown, I can plait them together then harvest the second haul. I had rather a lot of gooseberries and decided to make gooseberry jam with some - so tossed a heap in a pan once rinsed and de-strigged.

I covered them in water and began to simmer them, adding what I hoped was enough sugar to the mix...

...and let them simmer away for a few hours. I then added ginger and continued for another couple of hours.

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