Saturday, May 27, 2017


To start today's post, one last shot of the fence-side pathway border. This shot shows the view looking from poly tunnel towards the house. It is a good showing of the white bluebells. Next, we are off to the allotment plot again. These photographs were snapped in the first half of April 2017.

In the first, you can see the garlic, shallots, onions, broad beans area along with a giant rocket plant that overwintered. I actually pulled the rocket out today as it was finally past being its best. Behind is one of the strawberry beds.

This photo shows the two strawberry beds - now full of flowers. The third raised bed has nasturtiums and squash in. The squash are under bottles to save them from pigeons and slugs. It appears I may need to fix the raised beds at the end of this season as they are beginning to fall apart.

This shot shows my next veggie area - where I planted seed already and covered it in a net. I am not going to water them up though, but am waiting til the rain naturally brings them to growth - then I can adjust the netting. I have all sorts of radish, beans, and lettuce going on in there. To the right I have another netting covering my cauliflowers to save whats left of them from pigeons. I sowed a few beans and spinach in the row in front, which shows better in my next picture.

The far right back corner is filled with massive stems of rhubarb, dwarfing my compost bin. next to them is a 'space' which is where my spuds are beginning to peep through. Today, I was alerted to the fact that frost is coming this week, so I have now earthed them over in preparation, a little in advance of plan. The great big green clumpy shrub is my biggest and best gooseberry bush. Flowers and tiny fruits are beginning to form, so I am having to water it regularly now to ensure I get decent fruit this season.

This is a my smaller rhubarb plant - that I cut from the main one last season. Once established, I will eat the old one to the bone and dig it out. You can also see new growth on my other gooseberry bushes, most of the raspberry canes, and my 2 remaining blackcurrants.

I am currently cropping rhubarb at a rate of 6 stems a week with no stopping it. I pulled the last two of my leeks out this morning, after coffee with Liz. With new ones coming on in the poly tunnel, leeks appear to be something I can grow successfully and enjoy. I aim to be 80-90% self sufficient in fruit and veg by the close of 2018.

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