begin today's blog, I will share a photograph taken during March of
the fence-hedge border area in front of the kitchen window. In the
shot, you can see the primrose Liz recently gave me along with 2 of
the 3 tulips I bought this year, camellia cuttings, rose
transplants, cyclamen transfers and a few bulbs. At the far left you
can see the bluebells - or what will be bluebells, as they are only
foliage at present.
is the straw bale Liz picked up for me in early March - after 2
strawings, the strawberries are more or less secured from slugs and
slaters, leaving me half a bale to top up and increase straw
protection once the winds have died down and plants expanded. In the
final week of the month I took the next shot -
and you can see one of the raised strawberry beds all strawed up. You
can also view the front edge where I was working and de-turfing into
the weed bag, also the garlic/shallot/onion/broad bean bed, as well
as the spare raised bed to contain squashes and nasturtiums. You can
see my first harvest of rhubarb for the year, too!
taken on the last weekend of the month, you can see various other
areas of my plot. On the left, the former onion bed with a half dozen
or so leeks still growing. beyond that, my compost bin resiting and
fruit area. My potatoes are behind the raspberry canes at the back,
and coming back down past the other fruits, you can see where I
planted beans, spinach and brussels sprouts, then my second
strawberry bed. I am pleased with the rhubarb - it's as tall as the
compost bin!!!!
now jump forward to April, and here is a shot of the patio, which I have
done a little work with during the first week of the month. Still to
do, is the removal of the unwanted green garden chairs, tidying up
the broken glass/debris, and securing the edges - but the other things I wanted to do have now been done.
you can see the azalea from the front yard repositioned underneath
the kitchen window. It fits perfectly where the rose arch and pink
rose used to be - before the arch collapsed and the rose was moved to
the fence. You should also be able to spot that the pots on the patio
have now been weeded, refilled, and have become a herb garden - sort
least, there is parsley and chives in there, but the other herbs
still need to grow!
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