Sunday, March 12, 2017


So, there I was with the palm tree lying on the former lawn. I went out later on and dragged it up the path and dumped it where I wanted it to gradually rot down - behind the bird bath and beside the poly tunnel.

This left me with a stump and debris. My plan is to gradually move the debris and cover over the horizontal palm tree. If the stump wants to regrow, it can do so - I will chop it down each time it reaches 3-4 foot til it gives up.

Looking down the side, another project for February was to transfer rose bushes along the fence. I had begun last year with the yellow and pink rose bushes that had formerly clung to the rose arch next to the palm tree. This year, I finished the plan by shifting the 3 olde fashioned rose bushes into vacant spots along the fence - and today, taking two large cuttings from the red-pink rose in the front yeard to transfer into the back yard between the bird bath and palm tree.

My overwintered chili plants apear to have survived - at least the two on the spare room windowsill have. Their old leaves have yellowed and are beginging to crumple - but new shoots are issuing from the base of the former leaves. Likewise the chocolate habanero on the kitchen windowsill is still alive...

Not much has changed since my last poly tunnel shot - other than a small clump of cauliflower seedlings having been taken to the allotment and planted - in case we have no further frosts this year.

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