Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I took my new camera down on July 2, on my second trip to the plot for the day. I wanted to see how it went taking scenic shots rather than birds, and so decided to use it to take a few update photos at the allotment. As you can see, I need to get some weeding done...ho hum.

My tomatoes seem to be dwarf/patio ones in this group as a few are flowering already at this height. My trio of sweetcorn are growing slightly bigger. My runner beans are beginning to climb the bean poles - and there are a couple who reached the top and transferred to nearby taller canes! You can also see my artichokes growing taller behind the raised beds...and a mass of potato and fruit bush beyond.

This well edged weed-free patch is where my garlic and broad beans were, and my leeks are. One onion is in view to the right, with my raspberries the other side of what used to be a path once to the left/top. The path will be dug out. I have decided to have trodden down mud for paths - not grass. That way I can reposition them by digging them up any time I fancy and they dont turn to seed and weed my plot if I miss attending them for a while.

My second weed-free patch with extra good edges as I re-cut them earlier in the day, is the corner where my other clump of broad beans were - tomatoes and potatoes are - and fruit patch will be moved to during winter dormancy. You can see some of my fruit bushes to the back/right.

If you look at that tiny green lump surrounded by a patch of water close to the front of the picture, you will see a brand new rhubarb plant I popped in today. I thought I would plant the new rhubarb now in July, so that when I transfer my fruit, I can leave the old plant in for one more season while this one starts its life - then if anything happens to either old or new, I shall not be rhubarbless!

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