Friday, May 27, 2016


Looking down from my bedroom window, you can see that the exotic palm-like tree is about to flower - again. This will be the third or fourth year in a row after not having done so for a few years. Looking out from the kitchen window, you can see how much of the along-the-fence area I have now dug over - almost up to the bird bath!

May arrived and while cleaning a freinds' kitchen counter I discovered an abandoned spud. It had begun to chit while sitting on the bench. I showed it to her, suggesting she plant it in her garden as it was past being edible. She said I should plant it at the allotment - but I already have at least 80 spuds there, so I popped it in a bucket in the poly tunnel...I mean, you wouldn't want to eat THAT potato as is, would you?

May continued and here is an updated photo of the back yard area - along with some starlings! I have also taken another close up - showing some corn, tomato, cabbage and turnip plants.

I have now added a few more and most are going well - although a couple have been munched by garden inhabitants. It is now the season where everything takes off - mostly weeds. I have pulled bindweed nearly everyday this third week of the month....along with trimming brambles and trying to ensure wanted plants have space to grow...

The plan now is to make a neat organized external border with a messy wild center - in the back yard.

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