Thursday, March 24, 2016


Taking a look at the base of the old shower curtain, I think you can see why I chose to buy a new one with my bathroom voucher! You will soon be able to see my recycling in action, as I am going to use the former curtain as a painting sheet!

The new curtain is much lighter and cleaner and goes well with my new cabinet...

Now onto mid-March, when I turned my cold into a sinus infection and also had a tooth extracted - so did not do much for a couple of days, or feel like spending time doing heavy work at the plot. I didn't want to be ultra lazy either, so after 1.5 days lazyishness, I compensated with some odd jobs round the yard and house.

The first little job was to repot my geraniums. My father once took cuttings from his and threw away some tiny bits he didn't think were worth growing. I felt that they were worth growing, so potted them up. All three of mine survived and grew into happy healthy plants that not only outlasted my fathers, but out grew them too. They grew so big, I had to repot them a second time 3-4 years after the cuttings were first popped onto my windowsill.

They were now in larger pots and I no longer wanted my windowsill cluttered, albeit with plants. I decided to pop them in the spare room at first, as you can tell by these photos.

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