Sunday, February 7, 2016


Here are my seed potatoes all laid out with the correct end facing the window (light). February's first weekend arrived. Saturday might have given me opportunity to dig over my veg plot, but I had gone out for most of the day to Shoreham and Brighton on a coffee-shop trip. By the time I got home, I was a little too pooped to tackle a 2-3 hour dig job.

Sunday arrived, and I was able to pop down the plot for 20 minutes before the appearance of a band of black clouds with a rainbow chased me homewards. I was amused that one end of the rainbow appeared to linger near to where one of my close friends lived - but it would be more likely a pot of coffee than gold at the end of it, if so!

The above photo was taken on my second trip, lasting almost an hour, taken after an early lunch. It shows the far right hand corner of my plot, with my 2016 crop of garlic and broad beans growing away nicely. In 2017, I plan to move the fruit crops across from the far left hand side into this space.

This is the fruit crops for 2016 - my rhubarb has begun to grow for the new season already; I have 3-4 gooseberry bushes and a bunch of blackcurrant bushes, and some mixed species raspberry canes. I additionally pinched a couple of the free clumps of raspberry canes from the freebie site out front of the plots and popped a second one of these in today...

This photo shows you where my 2016 potato crops are going to be grown, once chitted. As you can probably tell, half the area has already been dug over - but the other half has not. I had hoped to finish this task today, but the weather had other plans for me. I did get some small jobs done though - there are now  a few weeds less in my plot.

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