Sunday, December 6, 2015


I was having a coffee on the doorstep prior to tackling some indoor chores, and noticed the purple berries in full along with the still-flowering fuchsia and passionfruit. I also noticed - although my photo came out blurry - the camellia bush is beginning to bud.

Still pottering about in the first few days of November, I decided to clear the polytunnel of bean canes to take to the allotment plot - and also fill any seed trays ready for spring windowsill/patio greenhouse planting. As you can see in my next picture, I managed to fill quite a selection with a combination of fine dry soil and potting compost.

Here is an update on the leaf-thief activity of my friend and I - as you can see, the leaves were almost all fallen from the tree on next door's verge. I did manage to scoop up four bags in total, as the new neighbors have yet to move in.

Workmen have been whirring, hammering, drilling, buzzing, banging, tapping, scraping, and making such disturbances that shook our walls (being a semi-detached house). It was not too pleasant to hear these whirring drills going whilst suffering for a few days with toothache, but...I managed to get the extra 2 sacks of leaves.

What is this shot of 'bag for life' bags doing in my garden photos you may wonder... I will tell you in my next garden post!

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