Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Alas, despite this being the second flowering baby daffodil, it too has suffered similar fate to its early brother - and been munched. Who or what ate it I do not know. Apart from birds, we get other peoples' pet-cats, hedgehogs, mice, and occasionally a squirrel or fox, so...

However, the pallid daffodils in the front yard were doing much better on my return from a mid-March weekend in Paris. they are flowering well among the cut down hedge, bramble, and weed clippings. Two days after this shot, they were mostly all out - at least a dozen or more of them. 

A few days after the former shot, the smaller brighter dills were budding without being munched. In front of them, the fatter shoots are hopefully of the flowering onion bulbs I transferred last year.

One of my first outdoor tasks after returning from my trip, was to tidy up the yards. In the front, I cut brambles, trimmed hedges, snipped ivy, and then got to work in the back yard. As you can see, beyond the mini hedge, mint and strawberry patch, lies a bed of garlic - 2 of which were planted later 2014 and are big plants, the rest planted 2015 have yet to surface.
Beyond that are 4 mooli and the remnants of a clump of chives. 2-3 chives are still alive and so I am hopeful the whole bunch will rejuvenate in a week or two. meanwhile, I dug over the next section of plot and scattered seeds of edible Calendula and mooli radish in the hope the warm spell would last.

There is also a 'something' further along - but I am not sure if it is a garlic, onion, leek, daffodil, or snowdrop until it gets bigger...

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