Wednesday, January 7, 2015


My sole Christmas decoration for 2014 was a free spring of mistletoe given with my organic fruit and vegetable delivery. As usual, I played around with it before locating it in a just-right spot. I finally added a strig of holly from the yard - no berries this year - and placed it on the phone table, until it died off. It then became compost material, while the holly sprig stayed in situ.

As you can see I also altered my candle holder from the glass one - which is now in the coffee lounge - to my stoneware OM one.

New year 2015 dawned and I was somewhat lazy. My excuse being that I had just finished a week of cat-sitting for a friend and was starting into a new PT cleaning job and was out of routine. My first major chore of the year was my favorite - re-ordering the pantry!

On the bottom shelf are my grains, flours, nuts, seeds, beans, etc and on the shelf above are the foods that require eating during 2015 at the back. The next shelf up contains foods with a best before date of 2016 or beyond and the top rim has my drinks - coffee, jahe wangi, tea for guests, rice milk, cocoa etc on the left. I wonder how long before I fancy turning out the pantry again, though...

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