Saturday, November 29, 2014


There was still so much stuff in the spare room that I am not yet able to progress with painting. However, I did manage to finally sell a few items and gain a little money towards the next round of paint when organizing for an antique/collector company to come out and view everything in the hope that something might be of value to them.

A few items sold, advice on how to clear the rest will now come into operation and hopefully this ghastly room of cobwebs, dust, dead slaters, and what is to me junk will finally become a pretty pleasant pink-burgundy spare room.

The next indoor task was the phone table. Since returning to live in my father's house and then inheriting it, the modern bright phone sat upon an old dark wooden chest of drawers; not a good match in my eyes. I had plans to use the former TV table instead, which is made of a lighter wood and more 21st than 20th century in appearance. Alas, it was covered in stuff to sell...

One morning, I felt energetic and decided to tackle the task. I was also fed up of the hallway looking so bleak and 'Victorian'. Therefore I braved up and removed all the clutter from the top and insides of the table. Cassettes have been put into a beer carton for sale, plates aside for valuation and sale/dumping, and other stuff crammed upon the old settee. I then had a clutter-free table!

As you can see, once I got the dirt and dust off as well as the stuff, it could be taken into the hallway and given a good polish with lemon oil. Much better, I think we can agree...

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