Wednesday, October 15, 2014


This shot is of my 6 Orla potatoes - all doing well. As you can see I tipped some dry soil on top of them. This came from the poly tunnel, when emptying pots. My patio is far from being clear - but I do now have a little green stool to sit on after I work in the yard along with a table for putting a cuppa or bottle of beer on, dependent upon what time of year it is.

Whilst sitting on said stool sipping the pictured beer, I looked up to see how close to the house the tree branches are getting. I realize they will need trimming back at some point in the next year or so - but the friend who gives me tip trip lifts has offered to bring her ladder around for this purpose. 



Our own ladder goes up six foot, but even standing on top with long handled pruners, I cannot hack off the bits that are too close to the house. Whilst they are only tiny thin pieces that do not touch the house yet, were they to be left for long, in the gales we inevitably get each year they might soon start to do more than brush the tiling of the roof.

Sitting on the patio stool sipping my beer after working in the poly tunnel - along came a friend - Mr Bob the robin. He had also been poking his beak inside the poly tunnel at one point. From today's final picture, you can see that there are growth from the bird seeds spurting up all over the patio - another job for me some other day...

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